In-depth2022 - Performance in collaboration with Gaëtan Rusquet Following the performance The eYe in the light in the eYe, Gaëtan Rusquet...
Petites Fleurs2019 - on going Queer VJ project by Damien PETITot & Adrien monFLEUR Follow us on Instagram
Soft Screens Soft Skins Soft2019 Workshop - Videovortex 12- Malta soft screens soft skins soft , an ASMR workshop: Lucille Calmel and Damien Petitot , offers you...
Signal 2018 - on going A/V Performance - 30' "Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed." A. Lavoisier SIGNAL is an...
Les planètes2018 Workshop -arts school - ARTS2 Mons In November 2018 I was invited by IDM© to create with the students a visual performance in...
Sign Up2015 Performance/Site Specific - 10 mn Sign Up is a short performance using all the datas available online of a small audience. The...
DATA.ME2013 - Solo - Duration 30 mn The performance DATA.ME starts from a familiar situation, a chat. The purpose of the chat is not clear it's...